UKZN College Donates over 100 Toys to ECR’s Toy Story Campaign
The College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (CAES) has donated over 100 toys to the East Coast Radio (ECR) Toy Story campaign that gives gifts to underprivileged children in government hospitals, orphanages and children’s homes across KwaZulu-Natal.
Collection boxes were set up in CAES offices on the Westville, Howard College and Pietermaritzburg campuses and everyone was encouraged to work hard to generate donations towards the worthy cause.
Staff really came together as the spirit of giving spread across the College and over 100 toys were collected and delivered to East Coast Radio House in Umhlanga.
Said Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College, Professor Albert Modi: ‘The College is proud to donate to a worthy cause like Toy Story. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to get together and give back to these underprivileged children that may be our students one day. I commend College staff for their efforts.’
The College is grateful to every person who made a donation. By donating toys to this campaign, the College not only experienced the joy of giving but built team spirit as well.
Words: Sashlin Girraj
Photograph: Supplied